For leaders, crises are defining moments. And this current Coronavirus crisis will either amplify your competence or magnify your faults. Never will your aptitude as a leader be more closely examined than when crisis hits. If the leader fails to lead, is absent, silent, or slow to respond, he or she may never be forgiven - so it is essential that we leaders step up, get out in front, and lead. The following are ten practical suggestions to help you lead with excellence in this time of crisis.
1) RECOGNIZE THE CRISIS Be realistic and affirm the crisis as a current reality. Unfortunately, some leaders fail to do this. When crisis hits, they slip into denial, hope for the best and lack the foresight to navigate appropriately. They believe it is better to avoid risky initiatives and settle back into a laissez-faire style of leadership. But by failing to be proactive, leaders set themselves up for conflict, criticism, turmoil and disruption. 2) GET OUT IN FRONT James Witt wrote: “Although it seems unreasonable, unfair and impossible, it is the role of the leader to be many things at many times. In crisis, a leader must be visible, poised, courageous, committed, and attentive. At no other time is a leader’s character more on trial; he must lead and do it well. He must understand that people need to see him and hear him face the challenge head on, even if it puts him at risk.” Harvard Business Essentials states, “During periods of crisis, people look for a strong leader. They don’t look to committees or to teams; they look for a confident, visibly engaged leader to pull them through.” Unfortunately, leaders who don't respond quickly may damage their reputation forever. When hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, President George Bush lacked initiative—a mistake he never overcame. 3) CAST THE VISION When crisis comes, many organizations descend into general sense of “what should we do?” This is why leaders must articulate a direction for their group—a practical strategy for dealing with their crisis. Although he or she should have a team helping to develop solutions, it is the leader who must ultimately step forward, create forums for clear thinking, decisive direction, and point the way. 4) DEFINE THE CRISIS; DON’T LET THE CRISIS DEFINE YOU When crisis hits, the leader must get in front of the situation before it gains too much momentum and define the situation in his own terms. The language he or she uses, the challenges that will be solved, the response that will be taken, the values they will champion, all serve to establish the character and culture of that group. This is not to say that a leader should capitalize on tragedy to promote himself. Absolutely not. Rather, it is an opportunity for the leader to redeem the crisis by defining the powerful response the organization will take towards it. 5) FOCUS ON THE CORE PURPOSE Successful leaders never lose sight of their organization’s core purpose and constantly point people toward it. They make sure the response to crisis is consistent with their values; and if the team wavers, the leader’s job is to pull them back—to make a course correction. This adjustment can be uncomfortable, but leadership is not about coddling people, leadership is about pulling people to place they ought to be, despite their reluctance to go there. 6) BUILD THE TEAM Any leader who tries to navigate crisis on his or her will undoubtedly fail. Great leaders are great team builders. They “know what they don’t know” and surround themselves with those who do. Moses had the seventy elders of Israel and David had the sons of Issachar who understood the times. Leaders who thrive during crises are leaders who built solid teams by continuously nurturing trust, open communication and personal relationships with key people. During crisis, it is this bond—this sense of trust—that keeps teams united, committed and engaged rather than succumbing to the urge to flee. 7) CONTINUOUSLY PLAN The old saying will always be true: “If you fail to plan, plan to fail.” A key component to crisis management is meeting regularly, with key people, to analyze, evaluate, strategize and assign. Facilitating these meetings is the responsibility of the primary leader. Merely having meetings, however, is not enough. The leader must ensure the meetings are productive and add value to strategy. Never meet just to meet. Frequent meetings without an agenda, relevant data, intelligent brainstorming, and solution-oriented conversation only makes the leader look clueless and confused. Meetings should have a clear purpose, present actionable ideas, and invite open dialogue that allows opposing viewpoints (even with those of the leader). 8) ENCOURAGE THE TROOPS Leaders must always be mindful of how stress, anxiety and discouragement are affecting those managing the crisis. Many people are disabled by fear and uncertainty in the midst of turmoil. When that occurs, leaders need to be present to “encourage the troops” by offering praise and appreciation for the good efforts of those who contribute the most. Positive recognition injects optimism, hope and releases endorphins. Never underestimate the power of these simple acts. Even when you feel discouraged and tired, be sure to bring encouragement. Create of culture of positive energy, high appreciation and hopeful optimism. God is with you, make sure your troops remember that. 9) CONNECT TO YOUR ENABLERS Every organization (especially not-for-profits) have supporters who provide resources at a greater volume than the average donor. Although a leader should never esteem them as more valuable than those of lessor means, the leader must also recognize the key role they play in the organization’s ability to achieve its mission. Don’t assume your top supporters are connected, committed and cohesive. Be sure to tighten the bonds with those who enable your ministry, especially in times of crisis, uncertainty and financial decline. Remember, the enemy is not practicing social distancing and is actively seeking ways to pull your team apart. 10) CONTINUE EARNESTLY IN PRAYER Don’t neglect your spiritual health. Crisis can be a season of stripping and refinement where God allows us to be isolated from the typical means of support we’ve relied upon for years. He’s reminding us that our strength is only in Him. Don’t pull back from prayer, lean into God. Study the Word. In times of crisis, more than ever, your people need a leader who hear from God and bring a in word in season from the Holy Spirit. Never underestimate the impact of a leader’s influence in crisis. His or her presence, posture and poise of is crucial in times of crises. Leaders who meet disorder and disruption head on with clarity, focus and visibility will be distinguished by that crisis as men and women having trustworthy, competent leadership. But figure heads who are absent or silent in such times will not only promote distrust in the organization, they initiate their own eventual downfall. Do not fear crisis. Embrace it. Get in front of it. Take control of it. Recognize it as a natural, healthy cycle of growth. Although the crisis itself is not positive, by demonstrating healthy, intentional leadership, the organization can be made stronger, more cohesive and enduring. An excerpt from Gregg Johnson’s book, Conflict, Crisis and Change. ![]() This is an excerpt from chapter eight of "How The Mighty Have Fallen." Follow this link to order your copy. And the king said, "You shall surely die, Ahimelech, you and all your father's house!" Then the king said to the guards who stood about him, "Turn and kill the priests of the LORD, because their hand also is with David, and because they knew when he fled and did not tell it to me." 1 Samuel 22:13-19 Conflict is a fact of leadership. It is inevitable. And never is a leader’s ability to lead more on trial than when confronted with conflict. It reveals a leader’s steel. Either it will demonstrate his credibility or expose his inability. Most people are impressed by the size of a leader’s organization; but in truth, it is conflict that brings out the best or the worst, and reveals a leader’s capacity to lead. In essence, Saul was an abysmal failure at managing conflict. In fact, his leadership style and lust for power was the catalyst for conflict. Ironically, that which drove him to bolster his role as king ultimately led to his downfall and the eventual defeat of his regime. Such will be the outcome of any leader who fails to manage conflict and restore unity. Jesus said it like this: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand” (Matthew 12:25). “I hate confrontation,” is the phrase we often hear from leaders but, unfortunately, conflict and confrontation cannot be avoided. If you are going to lead, you will encounter conflict. In fact, if you are not encountering conflict, you are probably not leading; more likely, you are just maintaining status quo. The question, therefore, for leaders, is not “how will you handle conflict ‘if’ it comes?” The question is “how will you handle conflict ‘when’ it comes?” MANAGING CONFLICT REQUIRES A HEALTHY LEADER If conflict can be resolved, it requires a healthy, sensitive, selfless leader: one who can set aside his own fears, insecurities and pride, and focus first on the needs and concerns of the people and the organization. This was the issue driving Israel’s dilemma. That conflict was driven by one thing: an arrogant, headstrong, insensitive leader. Saul only cared about his perspective, his concerns, his needs, and his position. And it was this reckless abuse of authority that plummeted the nation into years of turmoil and decline. Such is the case in many situations today. Often, it is an inept, insecure leader who cares only about “being right” and “looking good” that is fuelling conflict in an organization. Even conflicts not initiated by a leader can be exacerbated by him because of his own ego issues and fears of “losing face.” TOXIC LEADERS CREATE CONFLICT Every organization has within its ranks people who are volatile, contentious, and insubordinate. Every church contains people with attitudes and inclinations that have the potential to erupt into divisive, destructive forces. It is the disposition of the pastor that ultimately decides whether or not those rebellious spirits will rise to find a voice. His ability (or lack of ability) to relate to people, communicate effectively, and lead proactively determines if the culture of the church will promote dissention or encourage unity. Plainly stated, leaders must set the tone for unity in the church by his or her own example. Sadly, some leaders have the kind of disposition and personality that seems to generate conflict and draw the worst out of people. They are contentious spirits or “toxic leaders.” Proverbs 26:21 says, “As charcoal is to burning coals, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife.” In 1 Timothy 6:4, Paul warns of those who are… “Obsessed with disputes and arguments over words, from which come envy, strife, reviling (and) evil suspicions.” And, Proverbs 6:19 talks of he who “…sows discord among brethren.” There are some people who seem to be magnets for conflict. Like an influenza patient spreading sickness wherever he goes, these people spread their disease as well. Wherever they go, there is an outbreak of conflict. So what does a “Toxic Leader” look like? How can you tell if you are a leader with a contentious spirit? First, a “Toxic Leader’s” opinions are offensively absolute. He uses tones and makes statements that seem to suggest his way is the only way and anyone who disagrees is intellectually inferior. And if his idea is not accepted, he withholds his support from any other initiative and may even attempt to undermine it. On the contrary, healthy pastors who promote unity are willing to consider other opinions. They can receive criticism without becoming defensive and even support programs or initiatives that they may not be personally enthusiastic about but will participate in for the sake of supporting the people involved. Second, a “Toxic Leader” sees only his own perspective. Because his opinions are absolute—or “from God,” there is no reason to try and understand any other person’s perspective. They wrongly think: “These usurpers just need to submit.” When others try to explain another perspective, they interrupt and talk over them; they don’t even listen because they’re only concerned about what they’re going to say next. Healthy leaders however are skillful listeners. Romans 12:10 says “in honor (they) give preference to one another.” They know that to build unity people must feel respected and valued; these leaders convey a sense of appreciation for the unique insights and perspectives that everyone brings to the table. Third, the “Toxic Leader” uses a tone that is abrasive. His statements are often marked by harsh, inflammatory words and condemning tones. It is not what he says, but how he says it. Statements are made that are provocative—even offensive. If they disagree with someone (which is typical) their body language shouts rejection. They recoil and shake their head “disapprovingly.” They roll their eyes, and cross their arms. Everything about them says, “No way!” Of course, it is not wrong to disagree, but skillful leaders—uniting leaders—are able to disagree without being disagreeable or communicating rejection. Unifying leaders value inclusion. They convey a sense of welcome and respect to everyone even if their ideas are dissimilar. Fourth, the “Toxic Leader” would rather be "right" than save a relationship. To this leader, winning an argument is more important than winning a soul (see Proverbs 11:30). Because he values his authority more than people and success as his greatest goal, those who disagree are seen as obstacles to overcome, rather than valued souls to “win over.” But the wise leader knows how to “win souls.” He knows when compromise is necessary; he understands that losing an argument can sometimes be a strategic step in winning a brother and, thereby, ultimately winning the war. Fifth, “Toxic Leaders” are quick to criticize, correct and rebuke, but slow to encourage. In fact, rarely does a “Toxic Leader” offer any hint of encouragement. They see people as things to use to accomplish a goal. They are out of touch with what people feel and need. They care only that people do what they are told to do, the way they are told to do it; and if you do it wrong, beware the wrath of the contentious spirit. But good leaders are full of encouragement for those around them. In fact, when they offer correction, they are able to do so in a way that affirms people and inspires them to “want” to do better. They are not patronizing; they genuinely care about what people feel and need and believe their role as a leader is to help meet those needs. Leaders who are humble and compassionate, leaders who convey a sense of worth and value to their followers, leaders who build a culture of inclusion where everyone matters and disagreement is met with respect are building a “Conflict Resistant Culture.” Theirs will be an environment where mutual respect, acceptance, and seeking to understand one another will preclude the possibility of hostile disagreement. Just as a block of ice cannot remain long in a tropical environment, the frigid rigidity of conflict will melt under the warm spirit of compassion and genuine love. A FINAL WORD Conflict is a fact of leadership, but division does not have to be. It is the character and disposition of the leader that ultimately decides how conflict will spread or be resolved. Unfortunately, Saul was of such little character that he not only failed to resolve conflict, he perpetuated it. Effective leadership is by nature to manage and resolve conflict. Let us seek to rise above our own egos and need to be right and put the greater good of the organization first. Become a peacemaker and see how God will bless. ![]() This is an excerpt from chapter four of "How The Mighty Have Fallen." Follow this link to order your copy. He was the most revered and powerful man in Israel. An entire army obeyed his command. No one compared in status, wealth, and respectability. Yet, by his own admission, Saul “feared the people.” As a result of this condition, God deemed the king unfit for leadership and prophesied the removal of his authority. The lesson is clear: in the Kingdom of God it is impossible to lead people when you are afraid of them. God gave King Saul a clear vision of His will. The Amalekites were to be utterly destroyed as retribution for their mistreatment of Israel years before. Man and beast, woman and child, none were to survive. Apparently, en route to battle, someone had an idea: “Let’s save the plunder, sheep and oxen, and offer them as a sacrifice to God in Gilgal. And while we’re at it, let’s spare King Agag; he seems like a nice enough fellow and could be a good friend to us.” The idea had wide appeal and general consensus determined that destroying“everything” was unnecessary. The result was a new vision—one more suited to the preferences of the people. The essence of leadership is to confront status quo and pull the people to “the place they ought to be.” It often requires the leader to challenge unhealthy cultural norms in the face of disagreement and strong resistance. Although he may be misunderstood, maligned, and even mistreated, it is in those times the leader simply must lead! This is exactly what Saul could not do and what disqualified him from leadership. He feared the people, consented to their rebellion, and permitted Agag to live. Samuel would soon teach him that to condone wrong behavior, even tacitly, is to bear as much blame as those who commit the evil blatantly. The nature of leadership is to stand out in front and call others to a higher place, but this spirit causes leaders to lag behind with apathy and malaise. When they should be pointing the way, challenging the prevailing attitudes of mediocrity, this spirit induces leaders to sit idly on the sidelines with hands in pocket blending into the background of status quo. Leadership is not just having a title. It’s more than sitting on a committee. Leadership is about movement and change and influencing people toward a certain direction. To lead is to be in the “place” God wants for His people and then “pull” people into that place by the power of one’s own passion. It is having such an effect on people that they take ownership of the same attitudes, values, and convictions of the one leading them. Sadly, many believe that because they have a respected title or attend meetings that they function as a leader. They are mistaken. Pastors who fill churches but fail to produce cross-carrying disciples are not leading. Trustees who manage a place of worship but do not show people how to worship in that place are not leading. Deacons who affirm their belief in prayer but do not attend prayer meetings are not leading. Elders who “amen” their agreement with the concept of holiness but do not openly demonstrate repentance and display a passion for personal purity are not leading. Leaders are“first.” They do not wait for an invitation or rely on encouragement from their peers. They lead. Leaders are the first ones to sacrifice, the first ones to give, the first to pray, worship, repent, and weep over sin. They are the first to serve, the first to shout “amen” and the first to the altar for deeper consecration. Leaders constantly look behind at the ranks that follow and challenge complacency by the force of their own example. They do not wait for someone else to determine the environment. They decide how the environment should be and set out to change it. Culture is every leader’s battlefield, status quo is the enemy and victory is decided by the transformational results of their influence. True leadership can be likened to a thermostat regulating the temperature of a room. If the spiritual climate of a house grows cold, the leader turns up the heat by the intensity of his own passion and converts the environment to his own character. On the other hand, leaders having gone the way of Saul are more like thermometers. Instead of influencing the environment, they are influenced by it and conform to it. When watching the character of a Saul, one will not see a passionate example of where God is calling His body to; instead, one will see a mere reflection of the tired lukewarmness that has gripped the community and is destroying it. It’s time to confront the spirit of Saul in the church today. It’s time to slay the Agags and slaughter the sheep and lead the people into full obedience of the Word of God. Will some people reject this standard? Certainly! Will some people leave and find another king to follow? You can count on it. But the people who stay will be those who are serious. There may only be twelve of them. But with twelve disciples, sold out for Christ, you can turn the world upside down! |
February 2023
It was concerning King Saul that David said, “How the mighty have fallen, and the weapons of war perished.” His was a life that began with great promise and celebration, but ended in miserable failure and humiliation. His life is an example of how the mightiest of leaders fail.
Why do great men and women fall? How do leaders, quick to ascend with such promise of unparalleled success, find themselves awash in disastrous failure and disgrace? More importantly, can the path toward one’s downfall be discerned before it’s too late and be avoided? It is the premise of my newest book, How The Mighty Have Fallen that such a decline can be detected and reversed. The life and leadership career of King Saul, Israel's first king, provides us with a treasury of examples of "what not to do." The below blog post is the first in series of excerpts from the book to examine and avoid Saul's mistakes and find a successful path through leadership. READ AN EXCERPT |